
Saturday, October 18, 2014

Laura Mercier Pulls From China & Goes Cruelty Free

Laura Mercier has reportedly stopped selling all of their products in the Chinese
marketplace which means that once again- Laura Mercier is officially Cruelty Free.

Laura Mercier held a position on nearly every list of "companies that do NOT test on animals", until 2013 when the brand began selling their products In China.

The Chinese government has required that all foreign cosmetic companies submit extensive animal testing data for each of their products since 2011. This has caused an intense outcry from animal lovers worldwide as an outdated & ineffective attempt at ensuring consumer safety. There has been talk of Chinese officials "being open to animal testing alternatives", but that is years away from being reflected in mainland China's legislation.

Lucky for animal lovers everywhere, they won't have to wait years to enjoy Laura Mercier's fabulous line up of complexion and color cosmetics with a clear conscience so a HUGE THANK YOU goes out to Laura Mercier for their decision to rightfully earn their CRUELTY FREE title once again!
More information on animal testing:
Because the Chinese government often performs (or hires people to perform) the vivisection directly, many companies  claim to maintain their "Cruelty Free" position despite the fact that their business is directly responsible for thousands of animal deaths. This is a very common situation and can (usually) be easily be identified in the company's animal testing statement. A commonly used example would be:
"we are committed to ending animal testing and have been cruelty free since 1994 and we continuously work to provide authorities with animal testing alternatives. We are also dedicated to consumer safety and abide by all regulations and laws."
Animal lovers can verify a brands status by checking the lists available at Navs, Peta, or Paula's Choice. If a brand is not listed, simply inquire as to whether or not their products are SOLD in Mainland China (a company can be Cruelty Free and still have their products manufactured in China; animal testing is only required if the products are sold their.)

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